Last night's chatzy write-in went swimmingly. We'll be doing it again nightly (10pm-midnight eastern time) for the foreseeable future. Since I may not always be around to open it, watch the #NaNoRebs feed on Twitter for the specific chatroom link!

This week, for me, is all about doing the revisions on Badlands 2 and
getting it sent off. I'm hoping to get a jumpstart on the new novel too, but submissions have to take precedence. So. I'm giving myself the next two hours for blog posts. One hour for new novel prep-work, and then I'm diving into edits. I want to get a bunch done so I can write for at least an hour tonight at the write-in.
Speaking of, not too many people commented on their schedules at the other blog last week. So, I ran with the times I had. Our first virtual write/edit/whatever-you're-doing-in is TONIGHT, 10pm-midnight eastern time. I'll be opening a room in Chatzy at 9:30 and I'll link here and twitter. Remember, our new hashtag is #NaNoRebs. Also, if I'm not following you, please @mention me (@Selestedelaney) that you're a #NaNoReb and I'll follow back.
Starting next week, this is the blog where we'll do our status checks and everyone re-posts their goal (whatever it is) and how they're doing (word count, pages edited, whatever). I want to discuss more options for write-ins at tonight's, so if you can't make it, please include your input here so I can have a list ready to go for Thursday's post at the other blog. And remember, you don't need me to run a write-in. Anyone can step up and say "I'll start the chat page. We're doing a write-in on __(day)__ at __(time)__.
Until tonight, that's it and I wish you words :)
(If I missed you, please let me know!)
Julie Particka(Seleste deLaney) / @Selestedelaney
Gareth / @FalcataTimes
Noelle Pierce / @NoellePierce
Danielle LaPaglia / @Dannigrrl5
J.A. Campbell / @PFirewolf
Terri / @Angbuf
Tammy Crosby / @CrosbyWrites
Misha (CanadianSportsChick) / ?
Katee Robert / @Katee_Robert
Kelly Metz / @bwlrgrl300
Rae Lori / @RaeLori
Chrissey / @ArcadeStarlet
Donna / @DBReynoldswrite
Todd DeSilva/@todddesilva
Janelle Alexander / @janellealexandr
Sean Hayden / @ShaydenFl / eastern
Sweet! I should be able to make it to the write-in tonight. I'll be working on a few new scenes to plug into my ms. See you there!
ReplyDeleteYou missed me. :o(
ReplyDeleteFixed. Of course now I have to check the other blogs to make sure you're listed there.
ReplyDeleteI can't make it to the write in tonight as I'm 5hrs ahead of you. Is anyone else on my side of the Atlantic?
ReplyDeleteI can join in any eastern time morning or afternoon write ins and I'd be up for hosting some UK time evening ones some time.
Would anyone else be up for some twitter based sprints?
I'd be up for some daytime stuff too. I just want to know when the most people will be available. Hopefully I can get some more info tonight.
ReplyDeleteChrissey, I'm going to hit you up on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteEveryone else, we're doing the chatzy thing nightly (at least for now), same time. Specific room will probably be different, so watch twitter for updates. Remember, our hashtag is #NaNoRebs. It'll keep us from getting lost in the #NaNoRebels feed.