Tuesday, November 8, 2011

NaNoReb(el)s: One Week In--How You Doin'?

Last night ended the first week of NaNo! If you are doing the full 50k, that means you "should" be at 11666.
But we're rebels. Fuck that shit. I don't care where you "should" be. I care where you are.

So spill. Remind us what your goal was and let us know not only how you're doing, but how you're feeling about where you're at. Have you hit stumbling blocks? Walls? A really hot minor character who you've started falling for and really want to write about because he's smoking and deserves a HEA too? *cough* That's...uh...just an example. *cough*
I want to kind of do a weekly goal too. This is where I am now, this is where I want to be at check in next week. (Do not make this crazy, the point of being a rebel is to remove some of the pressure.)

Also, we are still doing the nightly write-ins. Chat room opens around 9:30-ish eastern time. Please, if you WANT a write-in at a different time, post it here. I will advertise and help get people to show up, even if I can't make it!

The NaNoRebs:
Julie Particka(Seleste deLaney) / @Selestedelaney
Gareth / @FalcataTimes
Noelle Pierce / @NoellePierce
Danielle LaPaglia / @Dannigrrl5
J.A. Campbell / @PFirewolf
Terri / @Angbuf
Tammy Crosby / @CrosbyWrites
Misha (CanadianSportsChick) / ?
Katee Robert / @Katee_Robert
Kelly Metz / @bwlrgrl300
Rae Lori / @RaeLori
Chrissey / @ArcadeStarlet
Donna / @DBReynoldswrite
Todd DeSilva/@todddesilva
Janelle Alexander / @janellealexandr
Sean Hayden / @ShaydenFl / eastern

The unofficial Rebs who sneak into our write-ins and steal our vodka (but we like them anyway):
Skyla Dawn Cameron
Dina James
Mel Hay
Suzanne Lazear


  1. In true Rebel fashion I'm editing rather thatn writing. Although I do need to add about 13K to my ms, so there is *some* writing going on as well. After one week, I'm about half-way through my first pass of edits and I've added 3,500 words. I have my daughter the next two nights, then I'll be in Texas until Sunday so I won't be getting much done until my return and I plan on spending Thanksgiving weekend tied to my chair. We'll see how it goes....

  2. My goal is the 50k, right at this moment I'm sitting at just about 18k.
    The love interest in my piece has changed, and the best friend is just the best friend.
    The words are coming, but they kinda suck. So, when I go back I'll have to work on it.


Tell me what you think