Thursday, February 24, 2011

Blog Hopping Across the Universe...

Okay, so maybe not the universe, but a lot of places. With the release of Badlands quickly approaching, I'm going to be doing a lot of guest blogging and interviews. What that means is at least for this week (and last, but I was away last weekend, so that was a different issue) there will be no #FridayFlash. Instead, I'm going to fill you in on all the wonderful places I've been or will be in the upcoming weeks. Where I know what I'm blogging about, I'll let you know.

Feb.7 - AD Blackburn's blog for an interview

Feb. 18 - Sarah-Jane Lehoux's blog for an interview

Feb. 25 - Manic Readers with a guest spot about the inspiration behind Badlands

Feb 27 - Para-Posse for Six Sentence Sunday

Feb 27 - Katie Reus's blog with a guest spot about danger and secrets

Feb 28-Blogging HERE for release day with a giveaway! (UPDATE: This giveaway will include commenters from a few places, so I'm upping the number of copies to two. :) )

Feb 28-Bea's Book Nook for an interview.

March 1-Featured at the Carina Press blog talking about strong female characters

March 2- Tia Nevitt's blog with a post on how I developed the matriarchal monarchy of the Badlands

March 4- Julia Knight's blog with a post on the trials and tribulations of promotion

March 9- Para-Posse with my regular monthly post, this one is on writing and drinking

March 11- Julie Campbell's blog with a post on what it's like to write both adult and YA

March 16- Alexandra O'Hurley's blog with a post on sex between the heroine and someone other than the hero

March 18- Fierce Romance with a post about... (I don't know what yet LOL)

March 25- Here Be Magic with my regular post (TBD)

March 31- Daily Dose of Decadence for Three-way Thursday (Thinking, Thankful & Thirsting)

April 4 - Emma Shortt's blog post (unknown topic for now)

April 8- The Book Boost post on either writing stresses or book titles

April 13- Para-Posse with my regular monthly post

April 19- JoJo's Book Corner with a reading from Badlands and maybe a little bit of other stuff.

After that, I think I'm going to try to breathe for a little while. Because breathing is, you know, healthy...or something.


  1. And at for an interview and a reviews. :)

  2. Is that as this me or the other me? I know the other me is doing an interview or was I both mes? Can you tell I'm a little fried already?

  3. Eep! It is this me! Crap. *jumps on the interview after editing blog post*

  4. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by BeaCharmed, Laura and Julie Klumb, Seleste deLaney. Seleste deLaney said: For those of you interested in dates for my promotional blog hop, they are here: [...]

  5. If need be, we can reschedule the interview. You have no idea how lucky you are; did you see how many q's I asked Morgan? LOL

  6. Good luck with your traveling schedule *smiles* I'm sure you'll manage to get all of them done well. I'll pop in and say hi on some of them.

  7. That's a crazy busy tour schedule! Looking forward to reading all the posts. :)

  8. Yeah, I got a little carried away I think. Hopefully I still have a brain left when all is said and done LOL>

  9. What an impressive schedule! Good luck with all the promo.
    The book cover art is wonderful.Love it!

    I wish you the best with the launch and look forward to reading Badlands.\

    :) Lisa (from the OWG)

  10. Dang you are one busy woman! The huge price of success? Nah! The price of HUGE success! :) Woot!

  11. Good luck!!! Beautiful cover :)


  12. Good Luck! I'm especially looking forward to your Carina Press post, since I enjoy that blog so much!

    Hey, an interesting idea for a future blog post for you: planning a blog tour. I'd like to see where all your plans came from!


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