Hey all! It's April 30, and that means I'm on my way to Kansas City for the Romantic Times Booklovers' Convention. This is one of my favorite cons every year, and I hope to see you there.
Of course, I'm going to be a little crazy (possibly crazier than on a normal day--or at least more scattered), so it might be easier for you to find me than for me to find you. (Read as: Sel is dead by day 2 and gets tunnel vision. She completely missed Paul Wesley walking by her table at lunch last year. Odds are unless you slap her, she might miss you too.) With that in mind, here are some places you're likely to find me:
3:45-4:45: Setting the Stellar Steampunk (Moderator)
9:00-12:00: Ellora's Cave Party
After midnight? Probably the bar (if it's open)
1:30-2:30: Steampunk Clockwork Tea (Hostess)
2:45-3:45: It's Not About the Goggles (Panelist)
2:45-3:45: It's Not About the Goggles (Panelist)
4:00-6:00: Ebook Expo--signing (I'll have print copies of Kiss of Death & my YA Pretty Souls as well as all my digital books available to buy)
8:30-12:00: RT's 30th Anniversary Ball
After midnight? Probably the bar (if it's open)
11:15-12:15: Hero Speed-Dating (Hostess...er...host?)
7:30-8:30: Entangled's Candy and Spoons!
8:30-12:00: Vampire Ball (whatever it's called this year...though I probably won't be there until after dinner)
After midnight? Probably the bar (if it's open)
7:15-7:45: FANtastic Day Party
7:15-7:45: FANtastic Day Party
8:00-9:00: Carina Press Cocktail Party
9:00-12:00: Harlequin Dance Party
After midnight? Probably the bar (if it's open)
So, yeah. When in doubt, check the bar.
In other news.... today is the release of Clockwork Mafia! Yes, it is finally out and in the wild and you should definitely buy a copy. If you missed my blog tour last week, please rush back and check out all the awesome stops...
But in the meantime, buy the book. Read the book. Love the book (I hope). Review the book (whether you loved it or not--it's okay, I can take it). To make it easy on you, here are some links to buy from:
Carina Press
All Romance
Barnes & Noble
If you do those things, you will make me incredibly happy...even if I don't get to see you this week at RT.
*hugs from Kansas City*