8/27-- I'm at DemonLover's Books & More with Remy Says: Remy's Guide to Demons
8/28-- RELEASE DAY! I'm celebrating with an interview over drinks with my editor of awesome, Skyla Dawn Cameron. (GIVEAWAY HERE)
8/29-- Today I'm at PonyTails Reviews with another edition of Remy Says. Today he's talking about pets. And since this is Remy, it might not be what you're expecting :P
8/30-- Remy Says at Keri Stevens' place. Today he'll be talking about Alphas versus Doms.
8/31-- Finishing up the official tour with an interview at the home of author Steve McHugh! In addition, I'll be talking about ChiCon and panic attacks at Steamed! (Not really related to this book, but... Also, for those of you who will be at ChiCon, be sure to look me up! Panel, KoD reading, and beer, oh my! More on this in a sec.)
9/3-- I'm home from ChiCon and at the ParaPosse today!
9/7-- Doing something a little different. I'm at Romance eBook Haul, but I think I'm going to have my characters play along for the post. It should be... entertaining :P
As for ChiCon. If you want to find me, I'll be bopping around like my normal half-awake-half-crazy self, but I will DEFINITELY be at the following events:
Saturday 10:30-noon (in Wrigley): Why I Love My Editor panel
Saturday 7-7:30 (in Addams): Reading (definitely Kiss of Death, possibly a bit of something else if there's time)
Sunday 5-6:30 (in Toronto): Literary Beers with Seleste deLaney (where I'll talk magic, urban fantasy, corsets, steampunk, sex, and romance--and there will be beer)